Friday, 13 August 2010

All-too-easily-identified flying objects

Nearly got a UFO picture from the garden last night. These FOs were shaping up quite nicely, but then they went fluffy. Plus the camera was more or less in focus, which didn't help.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Always a nuisance

Lots of us who aren't football fans as such probably enjoy it as soap opera. The managerial circus can be more entertaining than what happens on the pitch.

As a counter to all the high-level shenanigans that you get to read about, here's a snapshot from life at Weymouth FC (who recently descended from the Something Or Other League to the Zamaretto Premier Division):

"Cameron was going to start but he got stuck in traffic." (Cameron's Comeback, Dorset Echo 9.8.10)

Tuesday, 10 August 2010


Ever heard of a missile thrush? No, neither have I.

But in America they call a missile a mistle , which makes the idea of a mistle thrush sound a bit more worrying than just, say, a dive-bombing seagull. So I wondered: as they pronounce missile as mistle, do they render mistle as missile, just to avoid confusion?

And if a missile is a mistle, what is mistletoe? Maybe something you get when you drop a warhead on your foot.