Wednesday, 12 May 2010

In search of the super-extra... evolving the language

What would TV and radio pundits (especially arts and politics) do without the word extraordinary?

So many extraordinary things seem to go on now that there doesn't seem to be much that isn't.

Obviously we need a new word to occupy the place previously held by extraordinary. Extra-extraordinary? But what comes after that?

PS... talking of TV news, here's a tip: in our house we discovered, after being driven to desperation on election night, that there was a way to avoid having to watch Dimbleby and his chums: switch to ITV!

It turns out that the same strategy frees one, on a daily basis, from having to hear from Orange Huw, Fiona Bruce, Robinson, Peston etc. It's well worth putting up with the adverts.

PS: Do you know where the word pundit comes from? India. You would guess that though, I suppose....

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